The next 200 people to order a meal box for Thursday will be getting a really special gift: ramps.
How can I describe the taste of a ramp? A chef I know says: scallion meets barely-roasted garlic clove. My friend, who has a ramp tattoo on her wrist, says: sharp, green, and creamy. I say it’s like a super-concentrated leek, with a saucy story it wants to whisper in your ear.
The next 200 people to order any 2-or 4-person meal box Thursday May 6th will get ramp leaves in their box!
Michael (our maple syrup provider) and his team is foraging them for us. You might be wondering why a maple farmer is harvesting ramps. Michael told me that ramps are part of a forest ecosystem, just like sap. When you see ramps at the base of a tree, it’s a surefire sign of a healthy forest.
So what’s the problem? Ramps got trendy. With the rise in popularity of ramps among chefs, ramp populations have been decimated. Which is why: no ramps at Clover. Until now. We finally found someone we trust who is harvesting ramps in the most respectful and loving way possible.
Michael sent us this video above explaining how to harvest ramps (here’s another one Jane and I love). If you are heading out to forage this weekend be sure to leave the bulbs under the earth, and take one leaf from each plant instead.