Author: Kiernan

Last chance for Cape Cod Boxes!

As a born-and-bred Yankee, I’m particularly pumped for our Cape Cod Box. We’re using mushrooms and veggies to recreate classic Clam Shack fare— clam strips, chowder, and fish and chips! Plus, Chris and the kitchen team are righting the eternal wrong that Veggie Lovers never get to experience the rich luscious buttery joy of an overstuffed Lobster Roll with a perfectly toasted bun.

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Tender now on the menu

About a year and a half ago, at an open-to-the-public food development meeting at Clover, we blind taste-tested a new plant-based pulled pork. This wasn’t a totally new thing for us to do—as a company with a climate mission, we tend to get a lot of samples of plant-based everything, and we love trying all of them. We’ve tried mycelium-based mushroom meats, wheat-and-soy nuggets, and burgers made from kelp. One bite in, and it was clear this pulled pork was special.

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How to get a Passover Box from Clover

Every year, just after Valentine’s Day, we start getting the same question in from customers: Will there be a Passover Box this year? Sometimes the pleas are more direct, sometimes more colorful. The glories of the vegetarian Chopped Liver are a common theme. This year, Sarah, an NYC-based friend of mine said she’s spent so much time thinking about the emails describing last year’s box that she’s DRIVING UP TO BOSTON to claim one!

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Testing protein add-ons for bowls at 2 locations

Chances are you’ve tried the new Clover Bowls. We’ve been running them since the Spring. After a few tweaks, we landed on a roster we love: the Mediterranean Bowl, the Verde Rice and Bean Bowl, and a Rotating Seasonal Bowl. The bowls have transformed our menu – Josh, a Kendall customer, recently wrote to us, “The beet poke bowl is the best new item I’ve tried at Clover in years. I love the freshness and bite of the mix of flavors.” We’ve also heard some very good suggestions about how to make them even better…

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Why not throw a party this New Year’s?

New Year’s Eve is no time to be buried in the kitchen, so we pack our NYE Box with Clover fan favorites that come together fast and encourage a night of Finger-Food Feasting. Can you think of anything better than digging into bubbling hot Brussels Sprout Cheese dip on a freezing cold Boston night? Or scooping up our bright nutty Romesco sauce as the clock ticks to midnight? 

And our breakthrough Carrot Lox (probably the best thing to come out of our food dev in 2023) will have you resolving to spare more salmon in the year ahead.

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Et tu, Brussels?

I’m not a big believer in multitasking (which, in my experience, is doing a bunch of things simultaneously and badly.) But there’s a lot going on at Clover right now, so I had to break my No Multitasking Rule on Wednesday. I asked Michele and Greg on our Finance team if they’d mind if I took myself off video during a meeting to review Accounts Payable. “I have to draw a cartoon Delicata Squash,” I explained, reasonably.

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The Corn Box strikes back!

Clover folks sure like the yellow stuff: Our Corn Box sold out in just 36 hours! Wow. If you’re still hankering for something to husk, fear not: we just opened up a 2nd delivery date: Sat, 9/9.

If you haven’t tried one of these yet, the Corn Box is the latest in our home delivery meal box series spotlighting the best of seasonal produce. We work with our network of New England farms to pinpoint exactly the right weekend to deliver veggies at their freshest, and we do most of the prep for you…

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Julia Child, veggie-style

August 15th is Julia Child’s Birthday, and the Clover kitchen crew decided there was no more fitting way to honor our former neighbor than with a French-inflected meal box packed with Julia-inspired fare.. Our neighbor? Yes! Julia lived in Cambridge about one mile down the road from CloverHUB and shot her famous TV shows right from the kitchen of her house—but don’t try to pop in now: her kitchen was disassembled piece by piece and shipped off to the Smithsonian. Inside the Julia Child’s Birthday Box you’ll get…

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Veggies by the Sea

We just announced Clover’s brand new “Celebration Box”—what we call our at-home meal boxes that are worthy of a special occasion with friends or family. As a born-and-bred Yankee, I’m particularly pumped for this one.

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Free Coffee Weeks

Over the next 3 weeks, on a rolling schedule, most Clovers are going to be giving out a free hot or cold George Howell Montecarlos coffee to anyone who stops in between opening and 11 am.

No strings— we just want to see you all and talk about coffee!! George Howell’s Montecarlos is a single-origin coffee we love for our pour-overs…

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