Every time we open a new restaurant we do a “Pay What You Want” day to raise money for a local nonprofit we love. We usually do a food focused nonprofit, but when we opened CloverNTV I thought it would be fun to focus on teachers.
Some of you were asking why not food this year? Of course food is vitally important, but we already have a recurring weekly food donation relationship with Food For Free. And teachers have had such a hard year this year.
So Jane found the Newton Schools Foundation and we connected with the fine folks there. They fund some really creative grants that public school teachers can apply for to use in their classrooms.
We made the whole menu Pay What You Want and set a very lofty goal of $5k.
We were a little worried that nobody would come by since it was summer vacation, which would have been…ok. It would have been a nice quiet time for the team to practice making food.
But at about 12pm on Saturday, we were disabused of that notion. We were about 5 times busier than we expected! And when the final numbers came in: we crushed it!
I was helping (or perhaps hurting) Kev and the team expedite on Saturday, and let me tell you: that team is full of VERY hard workers!
To those who came out and those who donated: THANK YOU. If you waited in a long line to order, and an even longer line to get your food, thank you. Please let us know what you thought. If we missed anything let us know that too.