I think I’ve seen every Clover truck or restaurant opening since 2010. In the early days we opened quietly, without fanfare (hello GOV truck). In recent years we’ve secretly hoped for long lines and crowded restaurants. Sometimes those lines were longer than we expected or even prepared for (hello HFI).
This time is different. 9 locations are open! But we’re using the app to intentionally space out orders so we can feed a steady stream of people while limiting contact between staff and customers, and between customers and other customers.
We started slowly a month ago with Inman Square, Kendall Square and Burlington. Two weeks ago we added Harvard Square, Central Square, Back Bay, Longwood, Westford and Sudbury. Hours are 7am-7pm M-Sat. Locations in the ‘burbs are also open on Sundays.
Thanks to the amazing teams who are returning to work, the food tastes just as good (maybe even better) than it did before (find proof of that below). We’ll try to get some on-the-ground stories posted to this blog. If any staff member wants to pitch a guest post, reach out!
Btw, the picture above is of Blue at CloverLMA. Ayr was taking measurements of the windows and texting them to me so I could make big yellow banners to announce our re-opening.