Look what just arrived from Santa Rosa, CA. A box with our newest coffee to be offered in the Guest slot. The aroma that came out of the box when I opened it was amazing.
The coffee is from Guatemala and the farm name is Finca Vista Hermosa (Farm of the Beautiul View). It’s located in a famous coffee growing region named Huehuetenango. Barefoot Roasters has a direct trade relationship with the farm, which we love to support.
We sampled this coffee out last month and got tons of feedback. It’s awesome to be able to use customer feedback to aid in the selection process of coffees served at Clover. There is no
honey in the coffee (a popular question), but it denotes the processing method used for the coffee beans. A method called “Natural” or “Honey Process.” The skins of the coffee cherries are removed and the pulp (sometimes called mucilage) is allowed to dry and ferment on the beans. As this happens for up to 2 weeks, the beans get very tacky, as if they were coated in honey. This method is very sustainable, as it doesn’t use any water for the pulping, washing or fermenting stages.
Let us know how you like this cup.