You might not know this, but we have an Instagram with a hard-fought 12.7k followers. Not hundreds of thousands like our national competitors. We were kind of late to the game on Instagram. But we’ve also never bought followers. *cough, cough.*
We try to tell stories, share mistakes. We post killer Food Dev stories Tuesdays at 3pm. But the most popular posts are always the ones of just food, no people. I think this really bothers Ayr. But I think a lot of people come to Insta to salivate.
The other day Jane posted this photo of the new Nashville Hot Mushroom Sandwich. Chris Strange came up with this one as an homage to the hot chicken of Prince’s in Nashville. It has a corn mayo, buttermilk-battered mushrooms from Rhode Island, pickles, lettuce, and a chile oil Chris made with Kitchen Garden chile peppers grown just west of us in Sunderland,
The post kinda went viral. 718 likes is pretty huge for us (most of our popular posts average 300 likes.)When we launched the sandwich in-store, it went viral too. It outsold the chickpea fritter during its first week! This thing might be a new classic. If you haven’t been by, stop in and check it out. Let us know if it lives up to the hype.