Both of our current coffees were roasted within miles of us. Come by Clover and taste the amazing things happening with MA coffee.
1.) Speedwell La Trinidad
This coffee is a Costa Rican bean. It was roasted by Derek Anderson of Speedwell Roasters in Plymouth, MA. He uses one of the last remaining Sivetz roasters, which is a German roaster that is great at controlling temperature during the roasting process. We met Derek when we were both vendors at the Sowa Market. And you can meet Derek at our upcoming coffee and donuts event at Clover Kendall.
2.) Barismo Kochere
This coffee is an Ethiopian bean, grown by many small farmers in the Kochere region of Ethiopia. It was roasted by Pete Cannon of Barismo Roasters in Somerville, MA. You might have met Pete when he was by last week for a tasting. I learned recently that Barismo delivers all their coffee via electric bike, and they choose not to distribute anywhere they can’t reach by bike. Isn’t that cool? A world-class coffee, but we can only get it here in Cambridge.
We’ll be featuring these for a limited time, so come taste….