I love writing in cursive, and finally, work has given me the chance to flaunt this skill.
Last time we were making menus (when we opened Clover Brookline Village), we experimented with a diner-style placemat menu. It wasn’t so popular. Maybe people didn’t get the reference. When we set out to open Clover Kendall, we thought it would be fun to share a recipe. Maybe we’ll do batches of them, so one day you could have a collection.
We wrote Ayr’s very basic, rather spare popover recipe on one side, with an invitation to come watch us make the popovers in person; then we printed our menu and hours of operation on the other. I’ve been reading about how early recipes were only meant to jog your memory about something your mom had already shown you (via Slate). You’re all invited any morning before we open to watch us bake.