It was so great to see Nicole from Flats Mentor Farm coming into the HUB with red crates full of water spinach, maxixe (an African-Brazilian-New Englandian cucumber-esque vegetable, the history is so interesting it’s getting its own post), potatoes, tomatoes, collards, scallions, and more. The summer is in full swing and the CSA shares are overflowing. This farm had to use two crates because the share was so massive.
Sorry for the interruption in CSAs everybody! CSAs are back in action in Cambridge. For those of you who had to pick up your shares at alternate sites, we’re sorry for the inconvenience. If you’re a member who picks up at Clover, look out in your inbox next week, we’re going to be giving out a little gift for all the folks who were inconvenienced.
We also have a live schedule of times you can pick up your shares. We’re all subject to the whims of Boston traffic, but we’re excited to be able to offer late pickups for folks who work during the day and might not be able to grab their shares til 8 or 9pm.