We’re thrilled to be working with Dave Jackson this year on Winter Farmshares (that’s his son who’s excited to run the Western Mass Clover one day!). Dave is a really skilled farmer who’s been doing this for 30 years. He was one of the first organic farmers in the state. You can find his produce in certain Whole Foods, but if you want to save money, you should consider getting an Enterprise Farm CSA.
Dave does something really cool for his CSAs. He grows organic winter produce in Whately. In addition, he partners with organic farms up and down the East Coast. The idea is to keep everyone’s buying in the East Coast. One example is citrus. So instead of getting your citrus from the supermarket (where it’s probably been imported from a foreign country or California), you can get beautiful organic grapefruit from Florida alongside your greens and potatoes and garlic from Hadley.
Shares are still on sale. Order yours today, and pick up at your nearest Clover location.