This was Ryan on her first day, back in February when Farmshare signups launched. As a ski-racer, she was well-prepared for work on the trucks. Ryan approached us after attending the JDesign conference at Harvard that Clover participated in. She told us she was studying environmental policy and said she wanted to help build our CSA program. We told her we’d create an internship.
Since then she’s made herself indispensable. CSA signups went through the roof (current count of 500, that’s more than 3x what we did last year). And Ryan’s been the one on the front-lines, updating spreadsheets, communicating with farmers, and keeping me on track.
Ryan’s going to be taking a 2-year job in DC when she graduates from Harvard. I told her when she comes back she has a job running Year 4 of the Farmshare program when it spins off into a nonprofit!