Jorge and Dora own Mi Tierra restaurant in Hadley. I ate there tonight, and it was crazy busy. It just re-opened in a new location after a fire burned their restaurant to the ground and it seemed that all of Hadley was there to celebrate. While they were rebuilding, Michael (Winter Moon Roots farmer) partnered with Jorge and Dora to set up an heirloom corn tortilla business.
When I was in Hadley, I took this picture of the heirloom corn field with corn harvested for Mi Tierra. I loved how spindly and irregular they were. I didn’t catch a picture of the conventional GMO corn growing a few fields away, but they were much more standardized and boring.
Jorge and Dora are donating 1200 heirloom corn tortillas for us to give away to customers. We’ll be giving them away, 1 pack per customer, starting at 9am Tuesday Dec 2 at CloverHSQ and CloverKND. Your only requirement for taking a pack is that you seriously consider signing up for a Winter CSA from these guys.