The Impossible meatballs have been selling like crazy. Our contractor Justin Kelly suggested we turn our attention to breakfast, asking when we were going to make a sausage egg and cheese. This is the second Impossible item we’ve been working on. That picture above was from a food planning meeting a few weeks back. We were having fun tasting our sausage against the competition, although I think Blue liked the Autumn Hills apples better.
The sausage patty is made with Impossible Burger meat, fresh sage, thyme, fennel, and little brown sugar. It’s on our homemade pita with 1 year Grafton cheddar and our 6.5 minute egg. We’re testing it out in the wild at CloverHFI (Central Square) for one month to decide if it belongs on our menu. You can help us out by trying it and giving us your honest feedback. Folks from were by yesterday to shoot the launch and write a story. They even “Facebook-lived” Kevin, our General Manager, making one of the first to launch.
If you’re curious about other preparations of the Impossible product, we’ve been going crazy at Food Dev lately. Yesterday we tried a kofta-inspired sandwich, a bao-inspired sandwich, and a really wild sandwich with fried kombu and spaghetti squash.