This is my newest poster to get the word out about our midnight coffee and donuts event at CloverHFI on October 14. You can sign up by clicking on this button.
We’ve never done an event at the stroke of midnight. And I wanted to show that HFI glowed in the dark. So I stood on Mass Ave on a Friday night with the 5D. Then we converted the photo to black and white, then added back the color to our restaurant only. Ayr showed me a cool thing you can do in Illustrator called Gaussian Blur, which created this cool neon effect.
Apparently the neon is too realistic! Lynn who runs CloverHSQ told me she’s having trouble getting customers to leave her restaurant at midnight because the poster is on the window there, and it says “Open 24 hours!”
As of now HFI is our only 24-hour restaurant. So if you’re trying to continue your Clover night, head to 496 Mass Ave in Central Square!