This photo was from our visit to Backyard Farms (amazing indoor greenhouse in Maine that grows tomatoes during the winter.) Chris and I were on a phone call with Tim, the farmer, yesterday. Tomato supplies are currently very tight due to the insane amount of snow in Maine and the shorter days leading to lower yields. Tomatoes are not coming in the volumes we’d like. Prices are very high. And there are not enough to supply the sandwich.
Tim told us that the best 2 weeks for tomatoes are going to be late March into early April, so the sandwich will be back then. We’ll celebrate the return of the Maine Winter Tomato with a tomato tasting with Tim (stay tuned for a way to sign up.)
We’re going to be running out our supplies on this sandwich tomorrow (Saturday), and switching to the Enzo sandwich on Wednesday. So if you are already addicted to the sandwich, stop by today to get your fix. Sorry all. But this is a cool reminder of what we do at Clover, which is work with real farmers growing real food.