Chris, brewer from Notch, wrote to let us know he just finished making a new beer. You might know Chris already. He makes “session” beers, which are low enough alcohol that you can enjoy a few with food. We love his stuff and have featured different projects of his over the past 1-2 years.
Chris got back from a trip to the Czech Republic researching brewing methods in a place where they take beer really seriously. I was reading some of his notes from the trip, apparently he visited a brewery where a wedding was happening the same time beer was being brewed!
The Polotmavy is the result of this trip. I think it tastes really yummy, malty, spicy and just a little bitter at the end. Come by Thursday, 9/6, at 8pm to meet Chris, learn about what beer is like in the Czech Republic, and have a glass. This will be around for a limited run, probably 2-3 weeks.