Every quarter, we have an All-Company Meeting. We keep them open to the public, and as we’ve grown they’ve gotten bigger and bigger. If you’re an employee you’ll probably get the most out of the meeting, but family, friends, customers are all welcome too. 6pm this Sunday at the HUB (1075 Cambridge St).
Each meeting, one member of the crew gives a little speech on why they’re at Clover. This time Sara’s going to speak. If you’ve met her, you know she’s a really amazing person. She started as a 2-hour-a-night employee at HSQ. 2 years later, she runs the MIT truck, one of our busiest locations. She cares a lot about her staff and developing them. Back when she ran the LMA truck, she signed her emails to staff “Sare-bear.” Her family is visiting from California, so they’ll get to hear her speak.
Schedule will look something like this:
Pies and beer
Team challenge, prizes
Ayr: updates on Clover’s next steps
Megan: announcement of recent promotions
Lucia: customer reviews
Sara: why I’m at Clover