We’ve heard that a good way to deliver bad news is to sandwich it with good news. So here is a mostly-good-bad-news sandwich!
Good News (Top)
The massively popular Blue Oyster Mushroom sandwich, originally set to end today, has been extended by a week. This means if by some unfortunate happenstance you missed biting into crispy mushroom goodness, the tides have now turned in your favor! The absolute last day to get BOM is now 9/14.
Don’t have time to get into the restaurant? Want to learn how to make this legendary sandwich at home for yourself and those you love (thereby making yourself a legend)? Then we have good news for you – the Build-Your-Own BOM will also be extended by one more week. Order the BYO:BOM by 5pm on Monday 9/13 for delivery on Wednesday 9/15.
Bad News (Middle)
It is time to say our yearly “goodbye” to the Heirloom Tomato Sandwich. Because of the *clears throat* weather this year, tomatoes had a rough season. Clover was fortunate to get our hands on some beautiful tomatoes this season, but the peak time was shorter than in previous years.
If you’re feeling like an eager beaver and want to chance one last taste of juicy, ripe, summery goodness we do have a few sandwiches left but **full disclaimer** we expect them to be gone either today or tomorrow and availability by location may vary.
Good News (Bottom)
Are you feeling as sad as we are about Heirloom going away? Not sure you can get into the store in time to get one? Well guess what friend, the tides have again turned in your favor. Once they sell out in the restaurant there is one more way to get HTM deliciousness – a loophole, an oversight, a glitch.
There are still two ways:
- Order the Late Summer Box by Monday 9/13 at 5pm (for Wed delivery or pick-up)
- Order the Build-Your-Own Heirloom Tomato Sandwich by Monday 9/13 at 5pm (for Wed delivery or pick-up)