I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to communicate progress and success to our managers. We’re all able to step back and take pride in what we’re building. But I think it would be great to share more specific information in an ongoing way.
We’ve been growing and the leadership team has grown significantly. I saw a really cool approach at a company in Wisconsin where they made public all of their key operational statistics and financials. The employees would be responsible for updating one of the numbers (e.g., you may be in charge of sales/ sq ft.). It was a cool way to engage everybody. But I’m not sure this would be appropriate to our operations.
A month ago I posted each location’s records on a wall in our shared office. We decided we’d start celebrating every time a location breaks a record. This past week we had 2 records to celebrate: largest days ever at LMA and PRK. That’s Enzo demonstrating how they would pour champagne in his fine dining past. And John in the background pouring champagne the way the rest of us know. This could become fun as we’re breaking lots of records lately.