Sorry everybody, but by the time you read this it will not be available anymore. My fault. I was suppose to get this up a week ago.
As many of you know we offer a snack after 3pm. And it’s not always fried : ) This most recent snack was corn on the cob. I was really excited about this one. We decided that since corn cooks so quickly (3 minutes is perfect for fresh ripe corn), we’d just have a pot of water boiling and shuck and drop the corn when a customer ordered. It was awesome.
Unfortunately the corn season was really short this year. I only really loved it for the first 2 weeks of August. It’s a strange year all around for produce. Everything seems to be 3-4 weeks early. Some things (stone fruit, melons) are out of this world, while others (corn) aren’t as great as they should be. Looking forward to bringing this one back next year.
(in case you’re wondering, onion rings are next up. starting this afternoon)