Hey guys, we don’t do this kind of thing very often. In fact, I’m not sure we ever have. But we need to ask you all for a little help.
We’re in the semi-finals for this contest the City of Boston is running. The winners will get to park a truck on City Hall. We’d love that privilege. (Don’t worry, it would be a new truck, nobody is moving anywhere.)
Anyway, we’re getting beat pretty badly right now in the polls by a Sushi concept, and a Grilled Cheese Truck. OK. So we need your help. Can you take 2 seconds and vote for us? Doesn’t matter where you live, or anything else. And can you have anybody else you have influence over vote as well? (Make sure you use a different computer, or different browser to register a second vote as the poll will only accept one per browser.)
Thanks all, we’re really excited about this!
(btw, if you didn’t know about them, check out Lefty’s and Olecito. Pretty cool things.)