Some of you have been asking what’s going on here. It’s funny, see that sign on the wall? Says MIT Portal. It’s suppose to refer to a 2-way video conference idea we’re playing around with. Just happens to be next to this brick wall construction. But we’ve had some people ask if the wall is going to be the portal to the MIT truck. If only…
This thing we’re doing is called a skim coat. I’ve never done that before, but it was suggested to me by the guys at Idea Paint (a local company). We use their whiteboard paint for the trucks, and thought it might be perfect for the retail wall. This way the items we’re selling can change as quickly and easily as our menu. The brick had too much texture for the whiteboard surface, so we put this “skim coat” on it, basically cement. I started with a chemically activated drywall product. Then finished with a light weight spackle. And now I’m using a paint called Kilz to prime the surface for the whiteboard stuff.
What are we going to sell here when it’s done? Whiteboard paint. No, I’m serious. Thought some of you might enjoy creating whiteboard surfaces. Also we’re going to sell shirts and food and stuff. I’ve heard rumor we might be selling our hot sauce soon.