It’s been too long. And you know how things get when you wait too long, expectation builds, and it gets tougher and tougher to do something that would have been simple a long time ago.
Many of you already know her. this is Leah, Clover’s newest leader. Above Leah is posing with her perfect pop-overs. Something that took a few weeks to achieve (Leah — that’s all it was, a few weeks!). Many of you were kind and supportive through the popover disaster days (half of which were Chris’ doing). But now Leah has conquered these along with a couple dozen other recipes and Clover’s thousands of idiosyncrasies. Someday we’ll be a machine, but right now Leah and others have to deal with a lot of problem solving on the fly. Leah’s been bringing us in line, and doing an awesome job managing the truck.
Leah used to be an organizer for the Obama campaign. She LOVES Ohio (don’t dare say anything critical about Ohio around her). Despite her passion for Ohio she is Boston born and raised (JP). I think Leah likes us all best at Thursday night drinks when the week is almost over and the pitcher is almost empty. But we love her all the time, and are thrilled to have her on board, even early in the morning when she’s a bit cranky.