That’s Lucia talking to supervisors about how to talk to you all. Alright, maybe that didn’t come out too clearly.
We’re growing, which is great, means we’re feeding more of you. It also means we have lots of employees to train. I’d love all of our employees to feel the freedom to talk in their own voices, but there are some things we can’t have happen, and other things we need to encourage.
Here Lucia was outlining our approach to communications whichignores what most companies focus on. We don’t advertise. We don’t seek press.
What we do want to do is talk to you all, one-on-one, face-to-face. It’s our most important means of communication by far. Second? The little message on the board each day. Clover’s version of the cork board at the Streeter’s general store where I grew up. A place where announcements are placed, calls for help are drawn up, etc.
After that comes the website (and twitter). And that’s it. That’s the Clover communications universe.
We’re trying to find efficient and fun ways to explain these things to our employees, focusing on the supervisors and managers. I’d love to give everybody the training and support so that they feel comfortable crafting their own messages with their own tone at the location the work. So you’ll get to know the person you’re buying from (rather than some voice from the clouds).
It’s all a work in progress.