I was feeling so good today. I had to work at Lindentree for my CSA work-share. And Ari asked if Clover would like a flat of tomatoes as they have a bumper crop. I told him we could buy quite a few flats. I called Chris and he told me we’re currently going through about 500 lbs of tomatoes a day. Ari thinks they can supply most of that. Which means we’re going to have Lindentree tomatoes (which are amazing, really really amazing) and they are organic (our current ones are not), and we’ll be supporting a farmer we have been developing a relationship with for years. I couldn’t be more excited. This is a huge part of why I wanted to make Clover, and it’s part of what we’d always envisioned we’d be able to achieve.
Picture above is from Lindentree. Those are going to be your tomatoes starting Monday. That big ball is to scare crows away, I think it’s called a crow’s eye.