You know that empty space next door to our HUB at 1075 Cambridge St.? We’re finally putting it on the market to rent. Why has it taken so long? Well, to be honest it’s just because I’ve been so busy.
We’re really excited that we get to pick our neighbor. So here’s what we’re doing: we’re not using a real estate agent or anything. We’re just posting this up here, and I ordered a banner to put in the window of the space. It’s a 1,500 square foot retail space in what we think is the most exciting neighborhood in the Boston area. We’d love to get somebody in here who is making food, serving food, or selling food, or maybe a combination of the three. Think a provisions store, cheese store, unique bar, the next best restaurant, cheese-maker-pizza-place, etc. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
So if you’re looking for a space, or know somebody who is, check it out:
1071 Cambridge St. proposal form