That’s Adam Simha. He makes these amazing knives in North Cambridge. They’re used by some of the best chefs in the world. Real works of art and love.
When I started Clover I knew nothing about knives. Over the years they’ve fallen into the same place in my heart reserved for motorcycles and cars and surfing. Using a beautiful knife you feel connected to the world around you and so happy.
I’ve admired Adam’s work for a long time and when we decided to get serious about making a Clover chef’s knife we reached out to see if he’d help us design them. There on the cutting board are 2 sample designs he made for us. We’re going to work with the shape that allows rocking. The blade will be thin and tall. The handle will be grippy when wet. It will be ridiculously sharp and demand careful treatment. We’re going to give these to employees when they pass our 2nd tier of knife testing. I can’t wait. It’s really exciting.
We’re thinking to sell a limited number to the public. Keep your eye out.