Food Dev is an internal meeting. People huddle around a prep table with all sorts of hustle and bustle around us. We invite the public. We do this every Tuesday at 3pm, and we taste new ideas. In 2019 we tore up the menu in a few big ways. Some of them were intentional and planned. Some were giant failures that we thought would be home runs. And some were surprise hits, tasted once at Food Dev and immediately rolled out to the menu.
Relive 2019 with us, and make a resolution in 2020 to come to Food Dev in person?
JANUARY: We start testing savory breakfast bowls, a new category on the menu.
FEBRUARY: When The Godfather of coffee invites you to El Salvador, what do you do?
MARCH: Our muffin game needed work. Plimoth Gristmill had the answer.
APRIL: Sealed drinks…a giant failure.
MAY: Tomato disaster averted. Which farm came to the rescue?
JUNE: Can we pull off non-boring green salads on platters?
JULY: General managers escape their restaurants.
AUGUST: Nashville Hot Mushroom breaks the internet.
SEPTEMBER: A lot of vegans are happy again!
OCTOBER: Largest paw paw harvest in years!
NOVEMBER: Re-dev of a relic: The Thanksgiving Mushroom!
DECEMBER: Ok, not Food Dev related, but look who came to see the newest Clover experiment of the whole year.